December 1st, 2023 To the Ohio Senate Government Oversight Committee: We are a group of detransitioned & desisted women who oppose bans on pediatric transition. We believe in acknowledgment of detransition as a possible outcome, and support for those of us who experience it. Trans healthcare is far from perfect. Learning from the experiences of those who detransition can only improve it. Bans do not promote improvement, or encourage innovation. Shutting down clinics will not improve anyone's quality of care. Ohio's existing programs are known for their moderation. They do not perform surgeries on minors; many clinics out of state do. The data on pediatric transition is mixed and incomplete at this time. It is totally inappropriate for legislators to determine how clinicians should proceed. Those concerned with potential negative impact of gender services for minors would be better served building supportive services for those who stop transition, improving the quality of care received by those who transition, and working to end the sexism, homophobia, and ableism that motivated transition for many detransitioners. Sincerely, Are You Asking Why? Collective Ohio HB 68 This statement is co-signed by:
Aria G., 24, USA, desisted woman Beck M., age 33, California, transitioned age 19, detransitioned age 22 Ciara, 21, IL, detransitioned lesbian Claire R., 25, Colorado, desisted lesbian D. Z., USA, detransitioned lesbian Iva G., 31, Wisconsin, detransitioned lesbian I. O., 30, California, detransitioned lesbian K. Wilson, 33, Florida, bisexual desisted woman Kenna R., 29, USA Kitty Robinson, Oregon, desisted lesbian Lane L., 31, USA L. Howard, 18, Michigan Madeline Y., 23, desisted lesbian Max L., Washington, detransitioned lesbian Max Robinson, Oregon, transitioned age 16, detransitioned age 20, lesbian Comments are closed.